Hello again from Harrisburg! Time is flying by here; it is hard and sad to realize that I am already more than halfway through my time here. The past month has been full and exciting with paddling, caving, babysitting, birthdays, and backpacking.
Work with Yellow Breeches Adventures has been busier over the last month. We have continued working on administrative tasks, such as website design, answering emails, planning for the summer and fall, obtaining permits, etc., while also facilitating several adventure experiences this month. At the beginning of the month, we instructed a three-day American Canoe Association canoeing course for the last group of Messiah Adventure Education students who are pursuing instructor certifications. We enjoyed paddling together while also developing the students' skills as paddling instructors. In a few weeks, we will conduct another weekend experience with these students to assess and certify them. Another highlight of this weekend was being joined by a few people from the Coalition for Christian Outreach (the organization that Dave previously worked for), including Dave's mentor.
We also began a five week caving course for homeschool students. I designed and developed the curriculum for the course at the end of February when Dave and Tricia were out of town, and it was awesome to implement it together this month. We spent the first week doing a classroom-based lesson, where we taught participants about how caves form, how to dress for caving, and how to move in caves. Then the next week, we went caving together in a cave nearby. It was so fun to see participants experience caving for the first time; they really loved it and enjoyed getting muddy together in the cave. Last week, we returned for a classroom-based lesson about cave formations, biospeleology (cave life), Leave No Trace ethics for caving, and cave maps. Next week, we have a final caving experience together in another cave, where participants will be able to not only explore the cave, but also apply all of the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout the course. The plan is for Yellow Breeches Adventures to continue to offer five-week courses for homeschool students each spring, rotating through other activities such as rock climbing, canoeing, navigation, and backcountry skills. It is fulfilling to be able to continue to work with the same participants over several weeks and to see them acquire competence and confidence in the adventure activities. The participants love the caving course, so we hope they return next year for another activity course.
During Messiah's spring break weekend, I went on a backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail with one of my roommates from last year. We were really excited for the trip and for the opportunity to connect with one another for a few days. We were especially excited about cooking together; with just the two of us, we knew we would hike rather quickly and have plenty of time in camp each day to cook elaborate meals. We planned a menu for the trip that included extensive meals as well as desserts for each night. The trip ended up rather disappointing however, as our stove stopped working on the first night and none of the standard repairs improved its function. While the weather was perfect and the hiking was beautiful, it was frustrating to not enjoy cooking as we had planned, which was probably the aspect of the trip we were most looking forward to.
A final adventure of the month was participating in a paddling race on the Red Moshannon (near State College). This was the first canoe race I have participated in, and it was quite fun. There were about 150 paddlers at the race, split into various classes (solo canoeing, tandem canoeing, kayaking, etc.). I was in the solo female canoeing class. I had never paddled the Red Mo before; it was a beautiful river and I would love to paddle it again some time when I'm not in a hurry. The race consisted of a 7.5 mile section, which took me an hour and ten minutes. I came in second in my class and just 20 seconds behind the winner; we were neck and neck the whole time. I learned that my love of paddling and my love of running are integrated quite well in paddling races. After we paddled the Red Mo, we decided that we still hadn't paddled enough, so we stopped by another creek on the way back to go paddling again.
Aside from these adventures, I have babysat the Rowan children a few times, which has provided a fun change of pace a few days throughout the month. It is always a fun time with the Rowans, as we play hide and seek, egg hunt, and whatever else we can come up with. March is also a big birthday month for the Tanises, as we celebrated Tricia, Dave, and Hannah's birthdays.
I have also appreciated continuing to to be involved at church. I have continued to play my viola consistently throughout Lent. Second City also did a weekly Lenten meditation series. Each week, a different member of the congregation wrote a meditation that considered themes of Lent and the wilderness. I wrote the meditation one week and reflected on my literal "wilderness" experiences backpacking. You can read it at https://www.facebook.com/SecondCityChurch/ (it was posted on March 20th).
As the days fly by here, God is certainly shaping me. I am grateful for the opportunity to pour into Yellow Breeches Adventures, the Tanis family, and my community, and for the blessing of having them pour into me. With my fall experiences in Philadelphia focusing heavily on themes of justice and my experiences here in Harrisburg focusing on Adventure Education, I am finding that God is continuing to refine and clarify my understanding of my passions and what He is calling me to pursue. While I often found myself asking in the fall "How does all that I learned in Adventure Education fit into my life here?", I am now often wondering, "How does justice fit into what I am doing here?" God is continuing to illuminate the intersection of adventure, justice, and the Church, while also pushing me to consider how these could be more fully integrated and emphasized.
As we head into April, please continue to pray for me in this season of adventure and growth. Pray for continued learning, relationship, and growth. Pray for Yellow Breeches Adventures as it continues to take shape. Pray for the Tanis family and Second City Church. Pray for God to continue to challenge me to integrate the passions and gifts He has given me.
Happy Easter!