Last weekend, Deb and Jenny started feeling sick. They got tested on Monday. Jenny tested positive, and Deb tested negative (she is presumed to be a false negative). They were taken to a hotel on Tuesday to isolate (provided by the Health Department), and the rest of us began quarantining at home. It was presumed that we would quarantine for two weeks at home. I began to accept the reality that we would be stuck at home again, and I prepared to make the most of it. However, as my mind began spinning on Tuesday night, I realized that we were potentially in for a much longer quarantine than two weeks. If some of us contracted the virus, those who didn't would have to restart a 14-day quarantine. This cycle could repeat, leaving some of us trapped in the house through November.
So on Wednesday, I proposed that the four of us at home begin isolating from each other. It was decided that Lydia would isolate in our bedroom, Tom in his room, and Wilkes in his room, with me staying on the first level of the house. Lydia preferred the bedroom, which worked out well for me, because I have the living room, dining room, and kitchen, which keeps me from feeling so trapped. We generally stay in our spaces, with the exception of going to the bathroom (and we disinfect all touched surfaces after using it). To minimize any other shared spaces, I bring everyone all of their meals. I cook with a mask on, and then drop the food off at everyone's doors. I think I made out in the long run. I have lots of space, and I get to cook good food (prior to me volunteering to cook for everyone, it was suggested that we just make rice and beans in bulk, which would have worked, but if you are going to be quarantined, you might as well make good food, right?).
So that has been my somewhat chaotic life for the past few days and for the ten days ahead. I wake up, we all meet over Zoom to do Morning Prayer together, and I prepare breakfast for everyone. I start working (I can continue all of my work at KDCA since it is virtual), and then I take a break mid-morning to collect and wash everyone's dishes. I continue working for a bit, and then I prepare lunch. I keep working, and then I take a break to clean up from lunch. I do my Insanity workout after I am finished with work, then I get started on dinner. I try to cook something tasty for dinner (so far, the favorites have been salmon and homemade garlic bread from scratch), which usually takes about two hours. I clean up from dinner, and if time remains, I can relax a bit before heading to bed. My mom said that it's like I am running a bed and breakfast, which feels like a pretty accurate description.
While I can't wait to get outside (especially to get back to running), I am trying to be as present as possible in my quarantine life. I am finding joy in cooking good food (most of the time, at least; at other times, it can feel exhausting). I am trying to rest as much as possible. I am trying to care for myself well. And I am trying to remain attentive and curious. What might God be illuminating during this quarantine phase of my life here in Philly? What might I have to learn during these two weeks? How can I love God, myself, and others during this time?
Happy birthday to Wilkes! It was his birthday on Sunday, before all of the quarantine chaos began
Hoping your quarantine plan works and that you'll be able to get back out soon!
We all were tested on Monday. We should get the results back anytime now. So far, none of us at home have developed symptoms. We are hoping it stays that way!